Hello there!
Welcome to Kunjun Li’s website! I’m currently a third-year Computer Engineering student at National University of Singapore from August 2022. My research focuses on Efficient Deep Learning and High Performance Computing.
🔥 News
- 2024.05: PixelGen wins ACM/IEEE IPSN 2024 Best Demonstration Runner-Up award!🥳🥳
📝 Publications
Arxiv 2024
TinyFusion: Diffusion Transformers Learned Shallow(- A learnable depth pruning method for diffusion transformers)
Gongfan Fang*, Kunjun Li*, Xinyin Ma, Xinchao Wang
- Directly optimizes the recoverability of the pruned model, which ensures better performance after fine-tuning.
- The trainable parameters is only ~0.9% of the original model, making the pruning process highly efficient.
- Achieveing a 2x speedup using less than 7% of the original pre-training cost with a FID score of 2.86.
IPSN 2024
PixelGen: Rethinking Embedded Camera Systems for Mixed-Reality(- A novel embedded camera system for mixed reality)
Kunjun Li, Manoj Gulati, Dhairya Shah, Steven Waskito, Shantanu Chakrabarty and Ambuj Varshney
- Generate High Resolution RGB images from Monochrome and sensor data.
- Novel representation of the surroundings from invisible signal.